Finding a random Merz B Schwanen workman's undergarment in a Berlin flea market has changed the lives of Peter and Gitta Plotnicki. Researching the garment and its history led them to the original factory in the Swabian Alps, near Stuttgart, Germany. Their passion to revive the business was recognized by the remaining family members who offered them the Merz B Schwanen name. With the help of local textile manufacturer, Rudolf Loder, the original machines were repaired over a year.

Their love of good materials and respect for the original, beloved designs is now sustaining this original textile community. Using organic yarns on the original Loopwheeler circular knitting machines from 1920-1960, contemporary designs for men and women are offered with a vintage, sentimental quality.

The original factory with its 1920's loopwheeler knitting machines

For new founder Peter Plotnicki, it is the realization of a dream.

"We are continuing the story of "Merz b. Schwanen", with modern designs and new fabric blends – always developing new styles, created with respect to the rich heritage of the brand.”